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Muhammadiyah as a Progressive Islamic Movement in the Modern Era, Which Has Hreat Benefits for Muslims

Banyak di Lihat, Banyak dipelajari tentu akan banyak, yang akan dilakukan.

Bagi saya muhammadiyah role model organisasi Islam yang sangat menginspirasi.

Muhammadiyah as a Progressive Islamic Movement in the Modern Era, which has great benefits for Muslims in particular and the wider community. The role of the Muhammadiyah in the Progressive Islamic movement, daring to produce healthy and sound thoughts on the basis of the Quran and Hadith.

The term Islamic Progress is to develop the ethos of the surah Al-Ma'un not only to talk about the obligation to help the poor but also the obligation to process the formation of civilization. Muhammadiyah is a movement of enlightenment towards Indonesia's Progress.

Muhammadiyah akan terus berinovasi dalam mengembangkan dakwah dan program nyata untuk mengangkat citra Islam di Masyarakat. Seperti Muhammadiyah membangun perguruan tinggi, sekolah, rumah sakit, panti dan lain sebagainya.

-Rizki Dasilva-
Kepala SDIT Muhammadiyah Bireuen